Friday, May 9, 2014


This is one of the strangest experiences I've ever been through. I received a phone call from my sister saying that there was a dog that had been killed and dumped on an off-roading site. The local animal control was closed at the time and wouldn't be open until Monday. No one was even certain if the animal control would get the dogs body. I felt that a dog deserved more respect that to just sit there and rot. I along with some family members and a friend headed out to see if this rumor was indeed true. Sadly it was. One of the thing that has disgusted me the most was that the body had been there since march, 3 months people drove by and did nothing. Paid no respect and  just let it rot. When I arrived there I saw it floating in the water. I have never been so furious in my life. To see  this poor innocent creature floating there. Having had the life beaten from it. It truly disgusted me. Later we discovered 7 gun shots in its side. This poor young boy died with never experiencing what it was like to be loved. This poor, innocent boy deserves so much more than to be just another forgotten life. There is a large reward for anyone with information leading to the murders arrest. They deserve to rot or sometime. Just as this dog did. 


  1. That is absolutely terrible. It makes me sick how some people treat their animals. It is reassuring to know that there are people like you and your family in the world who are caring enough to do something like this though. I can tell that you are such a compassionate person and it's inspiring to hear about your progress. I can't wait to hear more :)

  2. I agree with you both!!!! I can't wait to hear more either!!!! Keep up your good work and keep your passion it is inspiring!

  3. I agree with the above comments. You have a genuine loving spirit.
